Larantuka Ethnic Cultures

Larantuka is a small town in the Eastern part of Flores island, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The Larantuka ethnic cultures range from tradition, marriage customs, and many more.

The unique culture and tradition make this village look stronger with its tradition. Every man and woman keeps coming along with their traditions and culture.

Our Flores tour packages are also accommodating the packages to Larantuka. It is one of the best list packages we need to show you.

Cultures and Traditions

The following are some of Larantuka's ethnic cultures and traditions that still exist. Find out on the following list for details:

  1. Semana Santa Tradition. It is the unique tradition of the Catholic religion in Larantuka. This tradition is a Portuguese heritage that, was carried out to celebrate the holy week before Easter. During the holy week, the city will silent. The highlight of the celebration is Catholics will travel around the city on the eve of Good Friday.
  2. Ceremonials of Lewok Tepo. The Lewok Tepo ritual is the processing of split the coconuts which intended to find out the death caused. This is also aimed to clear the mistakes or sins committed by the person or his family that caused him to die. In Lamaholot people, the denial of Koda(truth) will cause someone to die easily. Koda is similar to the nor, the aim of creating harmony between humans.
  3. Custom Wedding Processing. In Larantuka the wedding process takes place through the following series:
    1. Maso Minta/Tonka Tanya is the beginning process, where the groom's family meets the bride's family. This is intended to asking the seriously of the couple and the family for the next process.
    2. Tuka Cince/ Engagement is an engagement ring process. The broom family will again meet the bridegroom family. The ring is prepared as a symbol of love with each other. This is prior to the marriage blessing one of the couples violates, it will be subject to a fine. Fines are imposed according to the demands of the family betrayed. Often referred to as a shame mark or a lesson so as not to underestimate/violate the agreement.
    3. Tuli name is the process where the couple reports their name to the church. This is intended to take part in the blessing of marriage. Catholic church regulations require couples to take a marriage course before marriage. After that, the couple who will get married is announced in three consecutive weeks in the church from the couple.
    4. Anta Siri Pinang. After the announcement of the third week at the church was confirmed. The wedding was on a predetermined schedule. The day before the marriage blessing, in the evening, a Siri pinang process was held. The male family will deliver Belis / dowry as well as all wedding suppliers to the female family. Later, family representatives of prospective women drank wine that was given to a family representative. The men would give Belis, the money or ivory according to the agreement of the two families. Representatives of women's families will generally retaliate by giving one or two traditional clothes or other souvenirs. After the handover ceremony, the delivery was finished, followed by a dinner provided by the bride.
    5. Kumpo Kao. Not including the stage of marriage but the process that follows it. A few hours earlier at the bride's family party tent. The bride and groom would receive guests from the family who delivered gifts in the form of money or animals.

The Traditional  Dance

There are some of the traditional dances in Larantuka, such as the following:

  • Hedung Dance is a traditional dance like a war dance. This dance is performed by male and female dancers using clothing and weapons of war. In the dance performance, they dance with movements that portray the spirit of the heroism of the people on the battlefield. This Hedung dance is one of the traditional dances which is quite famous and often displayed in various events such as welcoming important guests, traditional events, and cultural festivals
  • Dolo is one of the popular dances for the people of East Flores. Dolo dances are usually performed with Dolo singing. This dance is performed as gratitude for the harvest. This dance symbolizes the values of friendship and is often used by young people to find partners.

You can explore Larantuka through our Flores Island tour packages. An overland tour is very recommended to visit Larantuka.

People & Culture